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What others are saying

"Loved everything so far"

"Having a virtual assistant take care of the busy work and develop those relationships—why would you not do that?"

- Timothy Pratt

Timothy Pratt Insurance Agency

"My life changed forever"

"I wouldn't be surprised if, if we keep growing instead of hiring another person here, we probably would maybe just go with another VA."

- TK Hendrickson

Safeguard Insurance

"Highly recommend this"

“C4’s VAs save so much time and effort, and they make a huge impact. I would definitely recommend them for any industry—hotels, food services, consulting—anyone can benefit.”

- Noah Williams

All-Side Roofing & Restoration LLC

Creative Challenges

are our passion

Booking appointments with commercial insurance prospects can be difficult and time consuming. Let our team handle booking the appointments so that you can spend more time with prospects!

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We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology creates good jobs for everyone.